Nicole had frequent headaches, read slowly, and only read when she had to. Once diagnosed correctly with an eye focusing problem, Nicole began her vision therapy sessions.
Upon completion of the treatment program Nicole's mother let us know: “Now, Nicole reads independently every night, up to 8 or 9 chapters, and comprehends everything. Her reading level is now a year ahead of her age.”
With regard to how vision therapy has helped Nicole in areas other than school, her mother states: “More than the improved reading and homework skills, Nicole’s success has given her confidence and that is priceless!”
We couldn’t agree more -- Congratulations Nicole!
Bernstein Center Comments:
Headaches are one of the most common complaints reported by patients with undiagnosed vision problems.
This is because headaches are something that children understand are "not normal" and it is a symptom that a child understands how to communicate to their parent.
When asked to determine when the headaches occur, if the child is able, they will usually trace the origin to a near-task such as reading or writing.
Nicole is a perfect example of this. She is a second grader who was experiencing fairly regular headaches and was not reading at grade level. At the time of our initial evaluation her mother was concerned because Nicole read very slowly, comprehended little and as a result became easily frustrated.
Nicole never read unless she had to.
A developmental vision evaluation was conducted by Dr. Bernstein. The results showed that when Nicole tried to read her eyes were over focusing. This caused them to work much harder than they were supposed to which is extremely fatiguing and caused a plodding pace when working up close, difficulty sustaining attention and poor reading comprehension.
Dr. Bernstein prescribed an individualized program of vision therapy; the goal of which would be to provide Nicole with the visual underpinnings necessary for improved academic performance and the ability to quickly adapt to a changing academic environment.
Coming soon!
The Bernstein Center for Visual Performance provides a wide array of specialized testing for vision problems.
At Bernstein Center for Visual Performance, we provide the highest quality eye care to all our patients. We will connect with you via call or email to confirm your appointment
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